We help you to take care of your employee’s health by ensuring QUALITY SLEEP, thus promoting productive working environment and PREVENTING physical and mental health problems.
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Our working lives are becoming more and more demanding and intensive
But there is another very important aspect that is often overlooked: SLEEP
Long working hours, early rising and long night
Stress and lack of balance between work and personal life
Omnipresent technology and our inability to “switch off”
Managing more information and the increased speed of decision-making
To combat these effects, occupational health management
leverages the benefits of life-work balance and promotion of fitness, healthy eating and wellness.
While most people know that sleep is important for the normal functioning of the body, fewer know that sleep is important for
health, safety, well-being and personal productivity.
Our performance-driven society and the growing productivity demands that come with it have led to increasingly poor sleep habits of the employees. In an effort to accomplish more, we often extend our work window, but the end result is that we accomplish less and become less productive and sometimes even sick.
Furthermore, sleep disorders are often overlooked or even thought to be harmless, but they tend to accumulate in the body and rarely go away on their own. In addition, we must take into account the age-related sleep changes that also worsen our sleep patterns.
Add to this the excessive use of modern technologies such as
computers, smartphones, or tablets at work or at home, and the
devastating picture of rising medical costs and declining productivity emerges.
I came to the programme with the following symptoms: headaches after waking up, jaw grinding, waking up with clenched teeth. I was also constantly sleepy and tired.
I really liked that this programme offered holistic solutions to my problems and didn't just treat the symptoms. And all this without surgery or injections. With this programme I have achieved gradual but stable results!
I especially like the holistic approach. Orthodontist know about the interaction of teeth and body, the trainers were very helpful. The course was very time efficient, 15 minutes a day, and many exercises can be done in public transport, walking and talking.
On the employee side, the obvious or even hidden lack of sleep leads to:
Lack of attention and poor memory
Difficulty concentrating on a task
Mood swings, depression, apathy
Irritability and moodiness
Increased cravings for high-calorie foods
And this has the following effects on the working environment:
Poor team performance
Lower employee productivity
Higher risk of accidents
Increase in medical costs
Increased absenteeism
Hello! My name is Olga Kozyk (MD), and I am founder of HealthInnoTech.
I created this company to support people who want to strive for optimal health and enjoy their quality of life for a long time.
From an early age I was fascinated by the work of Avicenna and Hippocrates. I still follow their approach and look at the human body as a whole system, not just treating the symptoms, but trying to find the root cause and achieve the desired goal.
I studied in depth the diseases that civilization has brought to mankind. I was very interested in sleep as a key factor in maintaining physical and mental health.
And I am not the only one, in 2021-2022 my treatment was selected to represent Ukraine in the field of medical innovations at Dubai EXPO 2020, as a non-surgical and drug-free treatment of sleep disorders in adults.
After undergoing a restorative treatment (with cap) and myofunctional and breathing exercises, I got rid of my sleep difficulties and felt that I had enough energy, strength, and desire to work, develop ideas and communicate with people.
To achieve this, you need to consider the following points:
Address age and lifestyle-related changes in your jaw and neck
Actively learn to relax the muscles of your head and neck and establish proper breathing patterns
Adopt and maintain proper sleep hygiene
The most important thing is that you address all these things in a systematic way.
Stationary treatment
No medical intervention
No contraindications
No special requirements
Qualified personnel
Proven technology
The program of treatment consists of 3 vital parts
The so-called NTI Deprogrammer
is a custom transparent dental cap that is placed on the upper jaw during sleep. It acts as a “ switch” to stabilize the neuromuscular system and respiratory processes.
This part of the program includes
exercises to train more efficient breathing and relaxation. It helps to enhance the effect of NTI Deprogrammer and provides an even more significant improvement of your sleep.
This part educates on developing
and maintaining optimal individual sleep habits to keep lifestyle changes and increasing work demands under control and ensure the
results you achieve last even longer.
The treatment consist of several monthly appointments
(up to 12, depending on your chosen package)
Each appointment include:
Physical assessment of the patient, including measurement and recording of physical changes.
Documentation of perceived changes in sleep behaviour and impact on patient’s physical and mental health and well-being (in compliance with medical confidentiality).
Adjustment and fitting of the dental cap. This step is required at every appointment because the cap and exercises change the structure of your jaw and neck muscles.
Introduction of new neuromuscular and breathing exercises. New adjusted exercises are introduced at each appointment. The average duration of the exercises takes approximately 15 minutes daily.
Patients are educated about proper sleep habits and how to maintain them even in stressful situations.
Optional survey of perceived changes in sleep behaviour and impact on the patient’s physical and mental health. This survey can be used to measure the outcomes achieved by the program at an enterprise level.
Healthy and rested employees are more motivated and therefore more productive: they create great added value for the entire company.
Improve the productivity on the individual and thus corporate level
Increase the motivation of the whole team and balance the workload of the individuals
Prevent workplace accidents and
illnesses and reduce the cost of absenteeism
Create a better working atmosphere by reducing conflicts and improving teamwork
Strengthen the loyalty of the employees, thus decrease the employees turnover
Enhance your company’s image as a better and more caring employer
Our programme has an impressive track record: Over the past ten years, we have successfully helped more than 2,500 clients improve their sleep. Our clients report positive results and high levels of satisfaction, as evidenced by their testimonials on our website and social media. To further highlight our success, our programme was recognised with an award at the Young Orthodontist Scientific Competition in May 2018. In addition, our team participated in EXPO2020 in January 2022 and our healthy sleep programme was not only considered innovative but also attracted a lot of interest as it can improve physical and mental health through better sleep.
Yes, we have successfully treated patients with diabetes.
We strongly believe our program will help improve your sleep. For those with long-term insomnia, we recommend the premium version (FAST TRACK) of the programme. More information can be found in our brochure on the website.
We recommend scheduling an appointment for a general check-up and evaluation of your individual case, after the consultation we will suggest the best package for you.
There's a basic package and a fast track package and varying duration of the program. The fast track package is recommended for those who want results quickly, while the basic package is for PREVENTION of sleep disorders and early stages of sleep disturbances and burnout. In general, the older the patients are and the worse the symptoms they experience, the more time they need to recover their physical functions, so it makes sense for them to take the longer treatment.
No. At first glance, both mouth caps look very similar. But they differ in their functions. Our mouth cap is designed to restore and relax your neuromuscular system, which helps your body sleep well in the long run.
People in their thirties often suffer from sleep disorders, such as superficial and fragile sleep, but they don't yet have any noticeable complaints like waking up at night or prolonged sleep interruptions. Therefore, it is usually not the sort of issue that people think they need to address. But it is the best time to “work” on your deeper sleep so that functions can be restored “more easily” and you don't have major problems later.
Yes, this programme is right for you. Snoring (contrary to what you might think) is not just a superficial symptom, but often indicates deeper respiratory and metabolic problems. Here are some links to research on this topic.
Myofunctional Therapy to Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Obstructive sleep apnea: focus on myofunctional therapy
Therefore, to restore normal functions, these patients typically need the 12-month package
We started our programme over 10 years ago. We continue to develop as professionals, constantly upgrade our qualifications and gain more experience. The programme is also constantly evolving and reflects our experience.
More than 2,500 clients have improved their sleep thanks to our programme.
Yes, I have a classical medical qualification according to Ukrainian and EU legislation. And I'm constantly developing as professional, some of my additional qualifications are: Studied under John Mew in London, UK (President of London School of Facial Orthotripics) Completed various orthodontics courses, including Microimplants, Alignment of Teeth with Transparent Elainers, Lingual Orthodontics Technique, and Functional Occlusion and Dysfunction of TMJ. Completed a certification trainer course in Buteico Clinic International, London, Great Britain Studied and trained at International College of Neuromuscular Orthodontics and Gnathology, Albenga, Italy You can see my full CV and all my certificates and achievements on the “About us” page of this website.
A team of scientists led by UCLA professor Matthew Walker has shown that depression and burnout are directly linked to a reduction in deep sleep. People who had improved the quality of their sleep (more deep sleep) saw their condition improve significantly. And we are working precisely on increasing the amount of deep sleep. Breathing retraining: effect on anxiety and depression scores in behavioural breathlessness Respiratory ventilation and carbon dioxide levels in syndromes of depression Comparison between hyperventilation and breath-holding in panic disorder: patients responsive and non-responsive to both tests 35% Carbon dioxide and breath-holding challenge tests in panic disorder: a comparison with spontaneous panic attacks.
We have medical indicators that we measure and document in every consultation. We also recommend that companies conduct a voluntary survey to find out how employees actually experience the improvement in their sleep patterns and how this affects their daily and working lives.
We need a room of 12 square metres with a 220-watt socket. If it has 2–3 chairs and a table.
Most people feel the first results a few days after they start following our recommendations on exercise and relaxation. However, the big breakthrough comes after the second visit, when the customized mouth cap is put on and the patient starts to use it while sleeping. However, it is important that you understand and apply the 3 steps of our programme: Restoration with Mouth Cap, Relaxation Techniques and Exercises to achieve faster and more sustainable results.
For optimal results, at least 10 minutes of personal time should be invested per day. Are there any additional equipment or costs for the programme? No, there are not: Please download our brochure for more detailed information about the different packages and prices.
The results of the treatment will stay with you for life. Of course, our living organism needs support. That is why we recommend wearing the NTI Deprogrammer permanently at night and using the exercises and a healthy sleep routine. The working lifespan of the mouthpiece is three years. After this time, we recommend replacing it with a new one.